• updated serialization
    • save only properties that are different from default
    • remove circular references (serialization/deserialization should be compatible with SugarCube 2 now)
  • include transformation completion percentage to transform function
    • enables more advanced transformations


Since expressions need to be applied via the <Player>.applyExpression method, we can’t directly use expression as the modifying object to the player object as that would permanently transform the facial expression. Instead, we can use the transformation framework to smoothly update the expression.

Thus the transformation framework can be thought of more generally as a way to smoothly update something, rather than just to permanently change property values.

var _transform = da.createTransformation({}, function(completion) {
	$PC.applyExpression(da.Expression.create(da.Expression[_expression], completion * _expressionDegree));
}, {});
da.transformAndShow(_transform, _transformDuration);